Other Services

Corporate Team Building:

Customized programs designed with a goal of teaching a novice business group of 6-12 people to be able to row in a single day! Morning and afternoon sessions on the rowing machine and on the water in shells will present a hands-on experience.

Specialized speakers and coaches combine to present a program that will challenge the group to work with each other to learn a new skill and relate the experience to office business and life challenges.


Boat Repair and Rigging:

Have your shell of any size rigged professionally to standard or specialized specifications.

Minor repairs and emergencies can be worked on with short notice.

Keep your equipment in top rowing condition. Timely minor repairs and maintenance can prevent major repairs later!

Free estimates on all repairs.


Professional Trailer Driving:

Don’t risk your shell fleet to an inexperienced trailer driver.

Coach Connell has driven shell trailers all over the east coast including 25 round trips Philadelphia to Florida. Price quotes are available for a trip of any duration.

You need to supply the trailer and tow vehicle. Coach Connell will do the driving.



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